SIA subsidy for lectors’ platform for Sustainable Urban Tourism

SIA subsidy for lectors’ platform for Sustainable Urban Tourism


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Ko Koens & het lectorenplatform


Hogeschool Inholland (penvoerder), Breda University of Applied Sciences, Hotelschool The Hague, NHL Stenden, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Haagse Hogeschool, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Saxion Hogeschool, Universiteit Utrecht, Wageningen Universiteit, Erasmus Universiteit, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Unique collaboration fuelling the transition to regenerative urban tourism

The lectors’ platform, Sustainable Urban Tourism, has been granted a subsidy of €100,000 by the SIA. Tasked with researching how to develop forms of tourism that will contribute to a more sustainable urban living environment, this platform has united researchers from twelve Dutch knowledge institutions. Based on a joint research and innovation agenda, they are working together in conjunction with local, as well as national and international, partners.

Unique transdisciplinary collaboration
At the moment, the Sustainable Urban Tourism lectors’ platform comprises 16 professors and researchers from 12 knowledge institutions*. These participants come from a variety of academic backgrounds, including tourism, geography, business innovation, design, psychology, architecture, marketing and the creative industry. The diversity they all bring is key to acquiring a better understanding of urban tourism, particularly now that it has become an increasingly integral part of contemporary cities.